
Stopnja 1


Napreduje v: Dragonec 

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HP: 38  Cena: 17  Premiki: Poravnava: zakonit  XP: 40


Cavalrymen are distinguished from horsemen by their tactics and equipment. A cavalryman wears heavier armor, and carries a sword and shield, rather than a lance. Their tactics do not include charging; instead they maneuver to slash with a sword, using both horse and rider as an effective tool of melee.
Cavalrymen are very useful for taking and holding positions on open ground, for screening friendly soldiers, and also for scoutwork.


Ime Vrsta Udarci Doseg Posebnosti orožja
meč oster 6-3 na blizu  


oster 30%
mrzel 20%
ognjen 0%
na daleč 20%
top 40%
koničast -20%

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Teren Premikanje Obramba
Grad 1 40%
Vas 1 40%
Globoka voda 99 20%
Plitva voda 4 20%
Stepa 1 40%
Gozd 3 30%
Griči 2 40%
Gore 99 20%
Močvirje 4 20%
Pesek 2 30%
Jama 4 20%
Sneg 2 30%
Glivni gaj 4 20%
Brezno 99 20%

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