
Stopnja 2


Napreduje v: Fantom 

Napreduje v: Duh

HP: 25  Cena: 38  Premiki: Poravnava: kaotičen  XP: 100


These shades of what were once warriors are among the most terrifying things a necromancer can create, for a sword will cleave right through them as if through air, seemingly without doing harm. It is the thought that these foes are invincible which is so frightening, a notion that is fortunately far from the truth. During battle, this unit can drain life from victims to renew its own health. Spirits have very unusual resistances to damage, and move quite slowly over open water. This unit's arcane attack deals tremendous damage to magical creatures, and even some to mundane creatures.


Ime Vrsta Udarci Doseg Posebnosti orožja
pogubni meč na daleč 6-4 na blizu črpa 
tuljenje mrzel 4-3 na daleč  


oster 50%
mrzel 70%
ognjen 10%
na daleč -10%
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koničast 50%

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