Rarely seen even by elves, the Wose is an order of creature about which little is known. The elves are the source of most of this knowledge; they know that these beings are not descended from trees, despite the similarity in form, and they know that a wose is more closely tied to the faerie world than the elves themselves, though in a different way. The motives and workings of their kind are unknown, though most subscribe to the obvious theory that woses are dedicated wardens of the natural world.
Woses are utterly unwarlike, but possess a great strength. They are, however, neither used to, nor quick at moving around.
Ypatingos pastabos: In woodlands, this unit’s ambush skill renders it invisible to enemies unless it is immediately adjacent or has revealed itself by attacking. Šis dalinys regeneruoja, kas leidžia jam gydytis taip, lyg jis visada būtų apsistojęs kaime.
Tobulėja iš: |
Tobulėja į: |
Vyresnysis miškinis |
Kaina: | 20 |
GT: | 52 |
Judėjimas: | 4 |
PT: | 40 |
Level: | 1 |
Prigimtis: | lawful |
ID | Wose |
Gebėjimai: | pasalūnas, regeneruoja |
Atakos (damage - count)
 | sumindžiojimas peštynės | 13 - 2 smūgis | |
kirtimas | 0% |
|  |
dūris | 60% |
smūgis | 40% |
|  |
ugnis | -50% |
šaltis | 10% |
|  |
paslaptinga | -30% |