

Some men excel at medicine the way others do at strength of arms, and the Tabib are those whose knowledge is without peer outside of the Khalifate. Their remedies cannot only heal wounds but remove infection and poison as well, often to the disbelief of the injured. Hardened by years of travels, many are able to treat themselves.

Notes especials: Aquesta unitat és capaç de guarir les unitats al seu voltant i curar-les del verí. Aquesta unitat regenera, cosa que li permet recuperar-se com si sempre estigués en un llogaret.



Avança de: Hakim
Avança a:
Cost: 33
HP: 39
Moviments: 5
XP: 100
Level: 2
Alineació: liminal
Id: Tabib
Habilitats: guarició, curació +8, regeneració

Atacs (damage × count)

9 × 3


(icon) talla10% (icon) perfora0%
(icon) impacta-10% (icon) foc0%
(icon) fred0% (icon) arcà20%


TerrenyMovement CostDefensa
(icon) Aigua baixa320%
(icon) Bosc240%
(icon) Castell160%
(icon) Cova240%
(icon) Deep Water0%
(icon) Escull costaner230%
(icon) Fungus240%
(icon) Gelat320%
(icon) Impracticable0%
(icon) Llogaret160%
(icon) Muntanyes260%
(icon) Pantà230%
(icon) Plana140%
(icon) Sorra150%
(icon) Turons260%
Last updated on Fri Apr 20 11:47:07 2018.