- CampaignCampaign
- Units
- Dead Water
- Delfador’s Memoirs
- Descent into Darkness
- Eastern Invasion
- Heir to the Throne
- Legend of Wesmere
- Liberty
- Northern Rebirth
- Secrets of the Ancients
- Son of the Black-Eye
- The Hammer of Thursagan
- The Rise of Wesnoth
- The Sceptre of Fire
- The South Guard
- Under the Burning Suns
- A Beastly Tale
- A Few Logs
- A Friendship Tested
- A Goblin Adventure
- A Group in a War
- A Little Adventure
- A Magicians Tale
- A New Order
- A Northern Village
- A Rough Life
- A Simple Campaign
- A Song of Fire
- A Song of the Winds
- A Vision Blinded
- A Whim of Fate
- AI Modification Demos
- Across the Ocean
- Affably Evil
- After EI
- Alariel's Journey: A Faerie Tale
- Aldur The Great
- Alfhelm the Wise
- Amaranthine Stone
- An Independence War
- An Innocent Man
- Antar, Son of Rheor
- Anthalia
- Aria of the Dragon-Slayer
- Ashen Hearts
- Assassin in the Forest
- Autumn Kingdoms - Prologue
- Betrayal of Thaeylan
- Birth of a Lich
- Bitter Revenge
- BloodLust Part I: Discovery
- BloodLust Part II: Mournblade
- Brave Wings
- Burning Souls
- Captured by a Nightmare
- Carved in Stone
- Children of the Dust
- Chyrospitals
- Cities of the Frontier
- Comrades in Arms
- Count Kromire
- Crin of Crenlyn
- Danse Macabre
- Dawn of Thunder
- Defense of Elensefar
- Desert Traders
- Distant Memory
- Distant Memory
- Distant Memory
- Distant Memory
- Doreldos: Fight to Liberty
- Dragon Fight
- Dreams of Urduk
- Dungeons of Wesnoth
- Dwarf Dwarfson Dwarvenminer
- Elvish Dynasty RPG
- Elvish Incursion: Prologue
- Epic Between the Tides
- Epical
- Exploration of Life and Death
- Fairytales of the Empire
- Five Fates
- Flight to Freedom
- For Power Around the World
- For Power I The First Dash
- For Power II The Northern Alliance
- For Power III Enemy in Your Backyard
- For Power IV Shadow in the East
- For Power V The Big Crusade
- For Power VI The Dark Age
- Forgotten Conflicts
- Forgotten Legacy
- From Rocks And Blood
- Gali's Contract
- Galuldur's First Journey
- Genesis Episode I
- Ghostly Calls
- Grnk the Mighty, Part 1
- Grnk the Mighty, Part 2
- Hair to the Throne
- Heroes: The Iron Bulwark
- Heroes: The Iron Bulwark
- Heroes: The Iron Bulwark
- Hordes of the Other World
- Ice Age Fun: Exodus
- In The Ring
- Inky's Quest
- Invasion
- Invasion of Eliador
- Journey Into the Dwarven Roots
- Journey of a Frost Mage
- Kill the King
- La Légende du Comte Dracula
- La couronne de Liest
- Legend of Far North
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part I: Embracing the Darkness
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legend of the Invincibles Part II: Into the Light
- Legends of Idaamub
- Lich's Terror
- Life of Mechzen
- Mage of Runes
- Marbus' Escape
- Melody of Wrath
- Melody of Wrath
- Melody of Wrath
- Melody of Wrath
- Melody of Wrath
- Merry Christmas
- Monsters of Midnight
- Napoleonic Wars
- Northern Forces
- Northern Rebirth
- Oath of Allegiance
- Omega's Tale
- Oneness of our Hearts
- Oneness of our Hearts
- Oneness of our Hearts
- Ooze Mini-Campaign
- Our Longest Year
- Palms amid Blue Dunes
- Panther Lord
- Pax Romana: The Rise of Vespasian
- Phantom Blood
- Purger of Evil
- Rally For Roanic
- Ray Among Shadows
- Ray Among Shadows
- Ray Among Shadows
- Rebellion in the fields
- Rebirth in Nature
- Return from Captivity
- Return from the Abyss
- Return of Sir Charles
- Return of the Monster
- Revenge of Kumakatok
- Revolution
- Rise of the Elementalist
- Salt Wars
- Sanctuary
- Saving Elensefar
- Saving Elensefar Redux
- Scenario With Robots
- Science Miracle
- Sepulchre of Elran
- Shadows of Deception: Episode I: Deceit
- Shadows of Deception: Episode I: Deceit
- Shattered Loyalty
- Sleuth Sisters
- Soldier of Wesnoth
- Son of the Black-Eye Easy Edition
- Source of the Elementals
- Strange Legacy
- Stranger In Wesnoth
- Swamp Witch Curse
- Swamplings
- Tactics Puzzles
- Talentless Mage
- The Altaz Mariners
- The Battle for the Contrabass Clarinet
- The Beautiful Child
- The Black Cross of Aleron
- The Case of the Missing Scepter
- The Champions of Ursidae
- The Dark Alliance
- The Dark Master
- The Demon of our Ourselves
- The Demon of our Ourselves
- The Demon of our Ourselves
- The Demon of our Ourselves
- The Devil's Flute
- The Dragons Lair
- The Earth's Gut
- The Elf, the Dwarf and the Mage
- The Emperor
- The Fall of Wesnoth (Part 1)
- The Flight of the Pelicans
- The Founding of Borstep
- The Garardine Ascendancy
- The Goblin Rebellion
- The Heist
- The Home
- The Kings's Quest
- The Library of Kratemaqht
- The North Wind
- The Potlot Mystic : Story I
- The Potlot Mystic : Survival Game
- The Price of Capture
- The Price of Capture
- The Ravagers
- The Ravagers
- The Rise of Wesnoth (Alternative)
- The Rising Underworld
- The Roar of the Woses
- The Rod of Justice
- The Rod of Justice
- The Sojournings of Grog
- The Story of the Wose
- The Tale of Vaniyera
- The Thelien Attack
- The Three Sisters Saga
- The Underdog
- The Unstoppable Legion
- The War of Terrador
- The White Troll
- The Wolves' Last Path
- The World of Death RPG
- The Young Khan
- Thrugbad The Good
- To Lands Unknown
- Trapped
- Trinity Part 1: Convergence
- Trinity Part 2: Over the Moon
- Two sides of one coin
- Undead Dwarves
- Up From Slavery
- Up the River Bork
- Voyage of a Drake: an RPG
- WML Guide
- War of Life and Death
- War of the Dragon
- War of the Elementals
- War of the Jewel
- Way of Dragon
- Way of Dragon
- Weshack
- Wings of Valor
- Wings of Valor
- Wings of Victory
- Wrath of the Lich Lords
- Xalzar Quest
- Zombies:Introduction
- EraEra
- 10ages
- 18thCentury Warfare
- A Neverending Era
- A Neverending Era AoH
- A Neverending Era AoH: Shops
- A Neverending Era AoH: XP
- A Neverending Era Experimental
- A Neverending Era Experimental: Shops
- A Neverending Era Experimental: XP
- A Neverending Era: Shops
- A Neverending Era: XP
- A New Land Era
- A Random RPG Adventure Era
- A new human era
- AI-demos Experimental AIs
- Age - Civilization Era(old)
- Age of Heroes + Black Tide
- Age of Heroes + Dunefolk + The Soul Order
- Age of Heroes + Southerners
- Age of Heroes + The Soul Order
- Age of Heroes + rw
- Age of Lords
- Age of Tentacles
- Age of Trials
- Age of Trials + Default
- Age of Trials + Lonely Era + Default + Black Tide
- Ageless Era
- Ageless Heroes
- Ageless RPG Era
- Altera
- Altered era/ruleset
- Alternate Era
- Animals_Age
- Archaic Era
- Archaic Era - Extended
- Armies of Amberan
- BSH RPG choices
- BSH under construction
- BSH under construction + Default
- Battle for the Rings
- Battleground Europe
- Beyond Southern Hells
- Beyond Southern Hells + Default
- Bloodlegacy
- Bob's RPG Era
- Champions of Four Moons
- Clash of the Default
- Clash of the Lords
- Clash of the Lords
- Clash of the Lords
- Colosseum
- Complete Kylandra
- Core Legends Era
- Cursed Era
- DMM: Drops
- DMM: Shops
- DMM: The Settlers
- DMMH: Drops
- DMMH: Shops
- DMML: Shops
- DMMLH: Shops
- Default + Beastmen
- Default + Black Tide
- Default + DFW
- Default + Deep Elves
- Default + Dunefolk (modified)
- Default + Dunefolk + The Soul Order
- Default + Eagle 11's version of Dunefolk
- Default + Goblins
- Default + Halflings
- Default + Islanders
- Default + Myths
- Default + Myths Lvl. 2
- Default + Nomads
- Default + Outlaws
- Default + Saurians
- Default + Southerners
- Default + The Soul Order
- Default + rw
- Default HOSL
- Default L0 Era
- Default Plus Era
- Default RPG
- Default Rats
- Default Werewolf Era
- Default plus Infernal
- Default+Arabian Nights
- Default+Dunefolk+Arabian Nights
- Default-1.12
- Default-1.4
- Default-1.6
- Default-1.8
- Den of Thieves Era
- Desert War
- Dov: Drops
- Dov: Settlers
- Dov: Shops
- Dov: XP
- Draconian Era
- Draconian Era Extended
- Dunefolk Balanced
- Eastern Europe at War
- Eclectic Era
- Empowered Legends Era
- EoFM + default
- Era of Creations
- Era of Four Moons
- Era of Four Moons Extended
- Era of Horrors
- Era of Legends
- Era of Legends + Dunefolk
- Era of Lords & Magic
- Era of Lucien
- Era of Magic
- Era of Magic (Age of Heroes)
- Era of Magic (Masters & Slaves)
- Era of Magic (RPG)
- Era of Maths
- Era of Music
- Era of Myths
- Era of Myths (balanced)
- Era of Myths + Blood Legacy
- Era of Myths Lvl. 2
- Era of Seafire with Dunefolk
- Era of Second Chances
- Era of Second Chances + Default
- Era of Second Chances + Heroes
- Era of Second Chances - Experimental
- Era of Second Chances - Heroic
- Era of Second Chances Test Recruitment
- Era of Service Branches
- Era of Shadows
- Era of Shadows + Default
- Era of Shadows + Default Heroic
- Era of Shadows Heroic
- Era of Worms
- Era of Worms + Default
- Era of classic Seafire
- Era of evolution tests
- Era of heroic Seafire
- Era of heroic Seafire with Dunefolk
- Era of modern Seafire
- Era of modern heroic Seafire
- Era of more units
- Era of the Ravagers
- Era of the Ravagers + Default
- Era with Robots
- Era_of_UREpic
- Era_of_UREpic + Default
- Eternal Era
- Everfell Era
- Everfell Era + Default
- Everfell Era + Lonely Era + Default + Black Tide
- Everfell Era RPG
- Everfell Heroes
- Everfell Heroes + AoH
- Everfell Heroes + Lonely Heroes + AoH + Black Tide Heroes
- Evolves Era
- Extended Armies Era - Age of Heroes
- Extended Armies Era - Default
- Extended Armies Era and Age of Heroes
- Extended Armies Era and Default Era
- Extended Era
- Extended Era + Default
- Extended Kylandra
- Extended RPG
- Feniks
- Feniks + Def
- Feudal Champions
- Feudal Champions + AoH
- Feudal Era
- Feudal Era + Default
- Forgotten Legends
- Forgotten Legends + Default
- Forgotten Legends Heroes
- Forgotten Legends Heroes + Default
- Forgotten Legends RPG
- Forgotten Legends Rebalanced
- G.Race - Lv1
- G.Race - Lv1
- G.Race - Lv1
- GSE + Default
- Goblin Football
- Golden Age of Kylandra
- Golden Age of Kylandra + Default
- Grafted Era
- Half Civ (Research, Build)
- Heroes
- Heroes of Amberan
- Heroes+Arabian Nights
- Honeycomb
- Image Create!
- Imperial
- Imperial Champions
- Imperial RPG
- Infantry Wars
- Ironriders
- Kairo Era
- Ladder Era
- Ladder Test Era
- Lonely Era
- Lonely Era + Default + Black Tide
- Lonely Era Heroes
- Lonely Era Heroes + Age of Heroes + Black Tide Heroes
- Lonely Era RPG
- Lords of Amberan
- LotI RPG Era
- Millennium Era
- Millennium Heroes Era
- Millennium RPG Era
- Moonday Era
- Moonday Era + Default
- Moonday Era AoH
- Moonday Era Balanced
- Myths RPG
- Obscured Folklore Era
- Obscured Zeros
- Old era
- Old era +imba +EoMa
- Old era +imbalanced
- PYRA Advanced
- PYRA Extended
- PYRA Standard
- PYRA Ultimate
- PlatinumRealm Default
- Q Civ (Research, Build)
- Rashy Era aoh
- Rashy Era default
- Rashy Era default extended
- Reign of Heroes
- Reign of Heroes
- Reign of Heroes
- Reign of the Lords
- Reign of the Lords
- Reign of the Lords
- Rome at the First Century
- Royal Rumble Lvl 2
- SX RPG Era
- SXC Default Low Level Era
- Sanguine Era
- Shards Era
- Silver Age
- Slime Time
- Steppefolk
- The Great Quest
- The Great Steppe Era
- The Great Steppe Era (Age of Heroes)
- The Great Steppe Era (RPG)
- The War of Terrador
- Time Watchers
- Time Watchers
- WL Era
- WL Era + Dunefolk
- War Of The Gods Era Max LVLS v2.
- War Of The Gods Era Random Recruits 3 Lvl Leaders v2.
- War Of The Gods Era Random Recruits 4 Lvl Leaders v2.
- War Of The Gods Era Random Recruits 5 Lvl Leaders v2.
- War Of The Gods Era Random Recruits v2.
- War Of The Gods Era Rpg v2.
- War Of The Gods Era v2.
- War of Dominions
- War of Legends Era
- War of Legends RPG
- Water Era
- Werewolf Era
- WesGo
- Wild Champions
- Wild Era
- WoFL age of heroes
- WoFL default
- World War II Era
- World War II Era (Italic Version)
- Zombie Apocalypse RPG
- mod_Rebels
- Race
- AragwaithiAragwaithi
- Aragwaith Ancient Banner
- Aragwaith Archer
- Aragwaith Captain
- Aragwaith Civilian
- Aragwaith Eagle Master
- Aragwaith Eagle Rider
- Aragwaith Fierce Banner
- Aragwaith Flagbearer
- Aragwaith Greatbow
- Aragwaith Guard
- Aragwaith Guardian
- Aragwaith Lancer
- Aragwaith Longswordsman
- Aragwaith Pikeman
- Aragwaith Sailor
- Aragwaith Scout
- Aragwaith Shield Guard
- Aragwaith Shipsmaster
- Aragwaith Silver Shield
- Aragwaith Slayer
- Aragwaith Sorceress
- Aragwaith Spearman
- Aragwaith Strongbow
- Aragwaith Swordsman
- Aragwaith Swordsmaster
- Aragwaith Witch
- Aragwaith Wizard
- Bats
- DrakesDrakes
- Armageddon Drake
- Drake Arbiter
- Drake Blademaster
- Drake Burner
- Drake Clasher
- Drake Enforcer
- Drake Fighter
- Drake Flameheart
- Drake Flare
- Drake Glider
- Drake Thrasher
- Drake Warden
- Drake Warrior
- Fire Drake
- Hurricane Drake
- Inferno Drake
- Armageddon Drake
- Assassin Chameleon
- Chameleon
- Dragonheart Drake
- Drake Adventurer
- Drake Apprentice
- Drake Arbiter
- Drake Archmage
- Drake Blademaster
- Drake Brave
- Drake Burner
- Drake Clasher
- Drake Enforcer
- Drake Fighter
- Drake Flameheart
- Drake Flare
- Drake Glider
- Drake Hero
- Drake Lord
- Drake Mage
- Drake Ranger
- Drake Swordmaster
- Drake Thrasher
- Drake Warden
- Drake Warrior
- Fire Drake
- Great Drake
- Hurricane Drake
- Inferno Drake
- Sky Drake
- Sword Drake
- Sky Drake
- DunefolkDunefolk
- Dune Apothecary
- Dune Blademaster
- Dune Burner
- Dune Cataphract
- Dune Explorer
- Dune Firetrooper
- Dune Harrier
- Dune Herbalist
- Dune Marauder
- Dune Piercer
- Dune Raider
- Dune Ranger
- Dune Rider
- Dune Rover
- Dune Scorcher
- Dune Skirmisher
- Dune Soldier
- Dune Spearguard
- Dune Spearmaster
- Dune Sunderer
- Dune Swiftrider
- Dune Swordsman
- Dune Warmaster
- Dune Windrider
- DwarvesDwarves
- Dwarvish Arcanister
- Dwarvish Berserker
- Dwarvish Dragonguard
- Dwarvish Explorer
- Dwarvish Fighter
- Dwarvish Guardsman
- Dwarvish Lord
- Dwarvish Pathfinder
- Dwarvish Runemaster
- Dwarvish Runesmith
- Dwarvish Scout
- Dwarvish Sentinel
- Dwarvish Stalwart
- Dwarvish Steelclad
- Dwarvish Thunderer
- Dwarvish Thunderguard
- Dwarvish Ulfserker
- Dwarf
- Dwarvish Alligator Rider
- Dwarvish Amateur Tamer
- Dwarvish Annalist
- Dwarvish Apothecary
- Dwarvish Arbalestier
- Dwarvish Arcanister
- Dwarvish Armored Mechanic
- Dwarvish Artillery
- Dwarvish Avalanche
- Dwarvish Barrager
- Dwarvish Battlerager
- Dwarvish Bear Cavalry
- Dwarvish Bear Dragoon
- Dwarvish Bear Patrol
- Dwarvish Bear Rider
- Dwarvish Berserker
- Dwarvish Blazer
- Dwarvish Cave Runner
- Dwarvish Centurion
- Dwarvish Commander
- Dwarvish Council Elder
- Dwarvish Council Member
- Dwarvish Crocodile Rider
- Dwarvish Crossbowman
- Dwarvish Crystal Master
- Dwarvish Decimator
- Dwarvish Dragonguard
- Dwarvish Experienced Tamer
- Dwarvish Expert Tamer
- Dwarvish Explorer
- Dwarvish Fighter
- Dwarvish Flamecaster
- Dwarvish Flamelauncher
- Dwarvish Flamethrower
- Dwarvish Frostnoth
- Dwarvish Gas Baron
- Dwarvish General
- Dwarvish Greaser
- Dwarvish Gryphon Knight
- Dwarvish Gryphon Lord
- Dwarvish Gryphon Master
- Dwarvish Gryphon Rider
- Dwarvish Gryphon Scout
- Dwarvish Gryphon Sky Captain
- Dwarvish Guardsman
- Dwarvish Gunner
- Dwarvish Hammerer
- Dwarvish Harpoon Guard
- Dwarvish Harpoon Specialist
- Dwarvish Harpoonier
- Dwarvish Headhunter
- Dwarvish Herbalist
- Dwarvish Herbicider
- Dwarvish Hero
- Dwarvish High Council Elder
- Dwarvish High Council Member
- Dwarvish Hunter
- Dwarvish HuntsMaster
- Dwarvish Huntsman
- Dwarvish Ice Apprentice
- Dwarvish Iron Bear
- Dwarvish Itinerant
- Dwarvish King in the Earth
- Dwarvish Lord
- Dwarvish Loremaster
- Dwarvish Marksman
- Dwarvish Marshal
- Dwarvish Mechanic
- Dwarvish Miasmist
- Dwarvish Monarch
- Dwarvish Mountain King
- Dwarvish Mounted King
- Dwarvish Ocean Apprentice
- Dwarvish Oiler
- Dwarvish Ormserker
- Dwarvish Pathfinder
- Dwarvish Phalanx
- Dwarvish Pioneer
- Dwarvish Practitioner
- Dwarvish Protector
- Dwarvish Rambler
- Dwarvish Rapidfire
- Dwarvish Roamer
- Dwarvish Rokrserker
- Dwarvish Rune Diviner
- Dwarvish Rune Warrior
- Dwarvish Runemaster
- Dwarvish Runesmith
- Dwarvish Runewarden
- Dwarvish Sage Futuristic
- Dwarvish Scoundrel
- Dwarvish Scout
- Dwarvish Sentinel
- Dwarvish Smith
- Dwarvish Smuggler
- Dwarvish Soldier
- Dwarvish Stalwart
- Dwarvish Steamcopter
- Dwarvish Steamtalon
- Dwarvish Steamwheel
- Dwarvish Steel Eagle
- Dwarvish Steelclad
- Dwarvish Technician
- Dwarvish Technocrat
- Dwarvish Thane
- Dwarvish Thunderer
- Dwarvish Thunderguard
- Dwarvish Thunderwheel
- Dwarvish Titan
- Dwarvish Toxin Specialist
- Dwarvish Triggerman
- Dwarvish Tundra Hunter
- Dwarvish Tyrserker
- Dwarvish Ulfserker
- Dwarvish Undecided Student
- Dwarvish Wanderer
- Dwarvish Warden
- Dwarvish Warrager
- Dwarvish Warwheel
- Dwarvish Wave Master
- Dwarvish Wave Rider
- Dwarvish Witness
- Dwarvish Wooden Bird
- ElementalsElementals
- Elemental Agni
- Elemental Agniraksha
- Elemental Air Embodiment
- Elemental Air Spirit
- Elemental Bhumi
- Elemental Boulder Mammoth
- Elemental Brazier Imp
- Elemental Collosusotaurus
- Elemental Djinn
- Elemental Dust Devil
- Elemental Earth Embodiment
- Elemental Earth Spirit
- Elemental Efreet
- Elemental Fire Ask
- Elemental Fire Embodiment
- Elemental Fire Ghost
- Elemental Fire Spirit
- Elemental Furnace Beast
- Elemental Gali
- Elemental Great Efreet
- Elemental Ice Claw
- Elemental Ice Cub
- Elemental Ice Fang
- Elemental Kobold
- Elemental Lava
- Elemental Lava Behemoth
- Elemental Lava Ettin
- Elemental Monsterosaurus
- Elemental Mother Mudcrawler
- Elemental Naiad
- Elemental Nicor
- Elemental Niti
- Elemental Nymph
- Elemental Salamander
- Elemental Sandstorm
- Elemental Shock Bird
- Elemental Smoldering One
- Elemental Stone Giant
- Elemental Stone Titan
- Elemental Stormbird
- Elemental Sylph
- Elemental Thunderbird
- Elemental Undine
- Elemental Vine Beast
- Elemental Vine Leaper
- Elemental Vine Slayer
- Elemental Vine Wrecker
- Elemental Water Embodiment
- Elemental Water Spirit
- Elemental Whirlwind
- Elemental Wisp
- Elemental Zephyr
- Minor Elemental Lava
- ElvesElves
- Elvish Archer
- Elvish Avenger
- Elvish Captain
- Elvish Champion
- Elvish Druid
- Elvish Enchantress
- Elvish Fighter
- Elvish Hero
- Elvish High Lord
- Elvish Lady
- Elvish Lord
- Elvish Marksman
- Elvish Marshal
- Elvish Outrider
- Elvish Ranger
- Elvish Rider
- Elvish Scout
- Elvish Shaman
- Elvish Sharpshooter
- Elvish Shyde
- Elvish Sorceress
- Elvish Sylph
- Elvish Admiral
- Elvish Arch Prince
- Elvish Archer
- Elvish Arena Champion
- Elvish Arena Warrior
- Elvish Ascetic
- Elvish Assassin
- Elvish Autumn Faerie
- Elvish Avatar
- Elvish Avenger
- Elvish Battle Druid
- Elvish Battle Enchantress
- Elvish Blade Dancer
- Elvish Bloodmaiden
- Elvish Bowrider
- Elvish Brighty
- Elvish Captain
- Elvish Champion
- Elvish Child
- Elvish Child Shaman
- Elvish Civilian
- Elvish Commander
- Elvish Count
- Elvish Countess
- Elvish Dark Thunderblade
- Elvish Deadeye
- Elvish Deputy
- Elvish Druid
- Elvish Earl
- Elvish Empyrean Druid
- Elvish Enchantress
- Elvish Faerie Incarnation
- Elvish Fighter
- Elvish Forest Spirit
- Elvish Forest Warden
- Elvish Glavier
- Elvish Grand Prince
- Elvish Gryphon Rider
- Elvish Guard
- Elvish Halberdier
- Elvish Hero
- Elvish High Count
- Elvish High Countess
- Elvish High Earl
- Elvish High Lady
- Elvish High Lord
- Elvish High Priestess
- Elvish Horsebow
- Elvish Hunter
- Elvish Insane Wizardress
- Elvish Juggernaut
- Elvish Knight
- Elvish Lady
- Elvish Lady Captain
- Elvish Lady Commander
- Elvish Lady of the Forest
- Elvish Lieutenant
- Elvish Line Holder
- Elvish Lord
- Elvish Maiden
- Elvish Mariner
- Elvish Marksman
- Elvish Marshal
- Elvish Mistral Cryomancer
- Elvish Mistral Glacialist
- Elvish Mistral Rime Castellan
- Elvish Mistral Rime Keeper
- Elvish Moon Cleric
- Elvish Moon Enchantress
- Elvish Mystic
- Elvish Nature Faerie
- Elvish Navigator
- Elvish Nightprowler
- Elvish Noble
- Elvish Operative
- Elvish Outrider
- Elvish Overlord
- Elvish Pikeman
- Elvish Prince
- Elvish Princess
- Elvish Protector
- Elvish Prowler
- Elvish Queen
- Elvish Ranger
- Elvish Rider
- Elvish Sage
- Elvish Scout
- Elvish Seer
- Elvish Sentinel
- Elvish Shaman
- Elvish Sharpshooter
- Elvish Shielder
- Elvish Shyde
- Elvish Sidhe
- Elvish Sorceress
- Elvish Spearman
- Elvish Sprite
- Elvish Spy
- Elvish Sun Priestess
- Elvish Sun Sorceress
- Elvish Sylph
- Elvish Tactician
- Elvish Thunderblade
- Elvish Trapper
- Elvish Treewalker
- Elvish Vanquisher
- Elvish Vansword
- Elvish Vengeance
- Elvish Warden
- Elvish Warlord
- Elvish Warmage
- Elvish Warmaster
- Elvish Wayfarer
- Elvish Wisp
- Elvish Yak Knight
- Elvish Yak Rider
- Elvish Yakmount Margrave
- Falcons
- Goblins
- Gryphons
- HumansHumans
- Arch Mage
- Assassin
- Bandit
- Bowman
- Cavalier
- Cavalryman
- Dark Adept
- Dark Sorcerer
- Dragoon
- Duelist
- Elder Mage
- Fencer
- Footpad
- Fugitive
- General
- Grand Knight
- Grand Marshal
- Great Mage
- Halberdier
- Heavy Infantryman
- Highwayman
- Horseman
- Huntsman
- Iron Mauler
- Javelineer
- Knight
- Lancer
- Lieutenant
- Longbowman
- Mage
- Mage of Light
- Master Bowman
- Master at Arms
- Necromancer
- Outlaw
- Paladin
- Peasant
- Pikeman
- Poacher
- Ranger
- Red Mage
- Rogue
- Royal Guard
- Royal Warrior
- Ruffian
- Arch Necromancer
- Dark Adept
- Dark Sorcerer
- Human Aggressor
- Human Ancestral Mage
- Human Ancient Warrior
- Human Apprentice
- Human Arch Mage
- Human Archer
- Human Archwitch
- Human Armored Crossbowman
- Human Armored Highwayman
- Human Arsonist
- Human Assassin
- Human Axeman
- Human Bandit
- Human Banisher
- Human Bard
- Human Basher
- Human Battle Princess
- Human Battlemage
- Human Beast Master
- Human Beastman
- Human Black Knight
- Human Blackbelt
- Human Blackguard
- Human Blade Dancer
- Human Blood Overlord
- Human Bloodguard
- Human Bloodswordsman
- Human Boltrider
- Human Bowknight
- Human Bowman
- Human Bowmaster
- Human Breachmaker
- Human Brigand
- Human Bringer of Light
- Human Brown Warrior
- Human Bushi
- Human Camel Rider
- Human Carpet Master
- Human Carpet Rider
- Human Cataphract
- Human Cavalier
- Human Cavalry Archer
- Human Cavalryman
- Human Celestial Messenger
- Human Champion
- Human Champion Bowman
- Human Chaos Arbalestier
- Human Chaos Berserker
- Human Chaos Bladesman
- Human Chaos Bowman
- Human Chaos Captain
- Human Chaos Cataphract
- Human Chaos Cavalier
- Human Chaos Champion
- Human Chaos Crossbowman
- Human Chaos Executioner
- Human Chaos Fighter
- Human Chaos Gunner
- Human Chaos Halberdier
- Human Chaos Heavy Longbowman
- Human Chaos Invader
- Human Chaos Invoker
- Human Chaos Longbowman
- Human Chaos Longswordsman
- Human Chaos Lorekeeper
- Human Chaos Magus
- Human Chaos Marksman
- Human Chaos Pillager
- Human Chaos Raider
- Human Chaos Razerman
- Human Chaos Rider
- Human Chaos Sharpshooter
- Human Chaos Shooter
- Human Chaos Spearman
- Human Chaos Thunderstriker
- Human Chaos Warrior
- Human Chevalier
- Human Child of Light
- Human Cleric
- Human Clericess
- Human Cobrastriker
- Human Coutillier
- Human Crusader
- Human Cultist Acolyte
- Human Cultist Elite
- Human Cultist Initiate
- Human Cunning Woman
- Human Custodian
- Human Cutthroat
- Human Daimyo
- Human Dark Sorceress
- Human Darkformer
- Human Darklegend
- Human Darkplasma
- Human Darkshield
- Human Demolitionist
- Human Demonic Samurai
- Human Destroyer
- Human Dispeller
- Human Doom Guard
- Human Doublepikeman
- Human Dragon Rider
- Human Dragoon
- Human Druid
- Human Duelist
- Human Duelist Wizard
- Human Duke
- Human Eagleeye
- Human Elder Bard
- Human Elder Mage
- Human Elemental Archer
- Human Elementalist
- Human Elephant Cataphract
- Human Elite Assassin
- Human Elite Kyu
- Human Enforcer
- Human Exile
- Human Exterminator
- Human Fencer
- Human Fire Sage
- Human Flareman
- Human Footpad
- Human Forest Mage
- Human Forester
- Human Fugitive
- Human Fugitive Cavalier
- Human Fugitive Dragoon
- Human General
- Human Gilded Mage
- Human Gold Protector
- Human Golden Mage
- Human Golden Warmage
- Human Golden Warrior
- Human Grand Eagleeye
- Human Grand Knight
- Human Grand Marshal
- Human Grand Summoner
- Human Great Mage
- Human Greater Lumedin
- Human Guru
- Human Hag
- Human Halberdier
- Human Hawkeye
- Human Headhunter
- Human Healer Battlemage
- Human Healer Mage
- Human Heavy Camel Rider
- Human Heavy Cavalry
- Human Heavy Cavalry Archer
- Human Heavy Hell Guardian
- Human Heavy Infantry General
- Human Heavy Infantry Lieutenant
- Human Heavy Infantryman
- Human Heavy Protector
- Human Heavy Summoner
- Human Hell Guardian
- Human Heralded
- Human Hidden Face
- Human Highwayman
- Human Holibar
- Human Horse Lord
- Human Horseman
- Human Huntsman
- Human Imperial Guard
- Human Infantryman
- Human Inquisitor
- Human Inspired
- Human Iron Lord
- Human Iron Mauler
- Human Javelin Master
- Human Javelineer
- Human Jouster
- Human King Under the Sun
- Human Kirios
- Human Knight
- Human Knight of Chaos
- Human Kyu
- Human Kyushu
- Human Kyushuryu
- Human Lancer
- Human Legend
- Human Lesser Lumedin
- Human Lesser Raydin
- Human Lieutenant
- Human Light Bringer
- Human Linebreaker
- Human Long Swordsman
- Human Longbowman
- Human Lumedin
- Human Lunatic Knight
- Human Macemaster
- Human Mage
- Human Mage Dragoon
- Human Mage Rider
- Human Mage of Air
- Human Mage of Fire
- Human Mage of Light
- Human Mage of Nature
- Human Mage of Storms
- Human Mage of Water
- Human Major
- Human Man at Arms
- Human Marauder
- Human Mariner
- Human Martial Artist
- Human Master Bowman
- Human Master Ranger
- Human Master at Arms
- Human Master of Air
- Human Master of Elements
- Human Master of Fire
- Human Master of Sun
- Human Master of Water
- Human Mastermage
- Human Masterthief
- Human Mistress of Light
- Human Monofu
- Human Mounted Marksman
- Human Mounted Peasant
- Human Mounted Samurai
- Human Mounted Signalman
- Human Musha
- Human Mystic Warrior
- Human Neutral Summoner
- Human Ninja
- Human Ninja Assassin
- Human Ninja Warrior
- Human Nobleman
- Human Northern Bowman
- Human Northern Longbowman
- Human Northern Man
- Human Northern Pikeman
- Human Northern Swordsman
- Human Novice Summoner
- Human Outcast
- Human Outlaw
- Human Outlaw Swordswoman
- Human Ozutsu
- Human Paladin
- Human Pariah
- Human Peasant
- Human Peasant Child
- Human Phalanx
- Human Pikeman
- Human Pioneer
- Human Platinum Warrior
- Human Plumed Archer
- Human Poacher
- Human Pocketthief
- Human Predator
- Human Predator Captain
- Human Princess
- Human Princess of Shadows
- Human Prophet of Light
- Human Prophetess of Light
- Human Protector
- Human Raider
- Human Ranger
- Human Raydin
- Human Red Mage
- Human Renegade
- Human Revenger
- Human Riding General
- Human Rogue
- Human Rogue Knight
- Human Rogue Mage
- Human Royal Guard
- Human Ruffian
- Human Saberman
- Human Sailor
- Human Samurai
- Human Samurai Captain
- Human Sea Captain
- Human Sentry
- Human Sergeant
- Human Shadow Battlemage
- Human Shadow Lord
- Human Shadow Mage
- Human Shadow Ninja
- Human Shadow Prince
- Human Shadowalker
- Human Shaman
- Human Shielder
- Human Shinobi
- Human Shock Trooper
- Human Shogun
- Human Shuriken Thrower
- Human Signalman
- Human Silver Lord
- Human Silver Mage
- Human Silver Warrior
- Human Sister of Light
- Human Soldier
- Human Sorcerer
- Human Soulhunter
- Human Spearman
- Human Spitfire
- Human Starshower
- Human Steel Crusher
- Human Steel Mauler
- Human Summoner
- Human Summons Master
- Human Sun Follower
- Human Sun Guardian
- Human Supreme Commander
- Human Swordsman
- Human Telepathist
- Human Tempest Mage
- Human The Last Summoner
- Human Thief
- Human Thug
- Human Thunder Mage
- Human Titanium Decimator
- Human Trapper
- Human Tridentman
- Human Tsuwamono
- Human Twohanded Swordsman
- Human Valkyrie
- Human Valkyrie Princess
- Human Valkyrie Warrior
- Human Vanguard
- Human War Banner
- Human War Flag
- Human War Mage
- Human Warden of Light
- Human Warmaster
- Human Warrior
- Human White Battlemage
- Human White Mage
- Human White Warrior
- Human Wildlifer
- Human Witch
- Human Wizard
- Human Wood Mage
- Human Woodland Enchantress
- Human Woodsman
- Human Young Maid
- Human Yumi
- Necromancer
- Sergeant
- Shock Trooper
- Silver Mage
- Spearman
- Swordsman
- Thief
- Thug
- Trapper
- White Mage
- Woodsman
- Mechanical
- Merfolk
- Monsters
- Nagas
- Ogres
- OrcsOrcs
- Orcish Archer
- Orcish Assassin
- Orcish Crossbowman
- Orcish Grunt
- Orcish Leader
- Orcish Nightblade
- Orcish Ruler
- Orcish Slayer
- Orcish Slurbow
- Orcish Sovereign
- Orcish Warlord
- Orcish Warrior
- Lake Orc
- Oceanic Orc
- Orc
- Orcish Archer
- Orcish Assassin
- Orcish Basher
- Orcish Cavalry
- Orcish Cave Dragoon
- Orcish Cave Lancer
- Orcish Cleaver
- Orcish Crossbowman
- Orcish Destroyer
- Orcish Direwolf Rider
- Orcish Drifter
- Orcish Elite Warrior
- Orcish Emperor
- Orcish Firestorm
- Orcish Foreman
- Orcish Greater Impaler
- Orcish Grunt
- Orcish Healer
- Orcish Hero
- Orcish Hunter
- Orcish Huntsman
- Orcish Juggernaut
- Orcish King
- Orcish King Under the Moon
- Orcish Knight
- Orcish Leader
- Orcish Master Impaler
- Orcish Night Stalker
- Orcish Nightblade
- Orcish Oppressor
- Orcish Overlord
- Orcish Overseer
- Orcish Ox Rider
- Orcish Pillager
- Orcish Predator
- Orcish Pyro Archer
- Orcish Raider
- Orcish Rat Rider
- Orcish Rhino Rider
- Orcish Rigid
- Orcish Roc Rider
- Orcish Ruler
- Orcish Scorcher
- Orcish Shaman
- Orcish Shieldbearer
- Orcish Skullcrusher
- Orcish Slaver
- Orcish Slayer
- Orcish Slinger
- Orcish Slurbow
- Orcish Sorcerer
- Orcish Sovereign
- Orcish Spearmaster
- Orcish Spider Rider
- Orcish Stalker
- Orcish Stoic
- Orcish Strafer
- Orcish Terror
- Orcish Traveler
- Orcish Twofist
- Orcish Vagrant
- Orcish Wanderer
- Orcish Warbanner
- Orcish Warg Rider
- Orcish Warlock
- Orcish Warlord
- Orcish Warmaster
- Orcish Warmonger
- Orcish Warrior
- Orcish Whiplash
- Sea Orc
- Saurians
- Trolls
- UndeadUndead
- Ancient Lich
- Banebow
- Bone Shooter
- Chocobone
- Death Knight
- Deathblade
- Draug
- Ghast
- Ghost
- Ghoul
- Lich
- Necrophage
- Nightgaunt
- Revenant
- Abaddon
- Abomination
- Ancient Lich
- Ancient Vampire Beast
- Apocalypse
- Atokpi
- Atokpi General
- Atokpi Samurai
- Banebow
- Barrow Rider
- Barrow Wight
- Battalion
- Beast
- Black Thrall
- Bone Custodian
- Bone Cutthroat
- Bone Dragoon
- Bone Freebooter
- Bone Giant
- Bone Golem
- Bone Knight
- Bone Looter
- Bone Mastercut
- Bone Shooter
- Boneadmiral
- Bonecaptain
- Boneguard
- Bonerider
- Brain Eater
- Chocobone
- Cursed
- Cyclops Skeleton
- Dark Rider
- Dark Shade
- Dead Priest
- Dead Sorcerer
- Death Baron
- Death King
- Death Knight
- Death Marshal
- Deathblade
- Deathhowler
- Deathlord
- Desiccated
- Draug
- Eidolon
- Eternal Lich
- Execute Attendant
- Executer
- Extinct Cyclops Mage
- Fell Sentinel
- Ghast
- Ghost
- Ghoul
- Grim Knight
- Guard
- Headless Knight
- Iron Thrall
- Legendary Cyclops
- Lich
- Lich King
- Lichling
- Lost Soul
- Mara
- Master of Four Lights
- Moloch
- Mounted Draug
- Mounted Hellion
- Mounted Shooter
- Mummy
- Necro Oracle
- Necro Sophist
- Necro Wizard
- Necrophage
- Nightgaunt
- Nightmare
- Obliterator
- Omen
- Pirafly
- Pirania Monstruosa
- Poltergeist
- Preserved Flesh
- Punisher
- Reaper
- Reaver
- Revenant
- Revenant Mage
- Running Corpse
- Shadow
- Shadow Wisp
- Shadowback
- Shapeshifter
- Skeleton
- Skeleton Archer
- Skeleton Recruit
- Skeleton Rider
- Skeleton Steerer
- Slither Blade
- Soul Shooter
- Soulless
- Spectre
- Spook
- The Devil Himself
- Thrall
- Umbra Master
- Unworthy
- Walking Corpse
- Wraith
- Wrapped
- Zombie Bowman
- Zombie Leader
- Zombie Lord
- Zombie Mage
- Shadow
- Skeletal Dragon
- Skeleton
- Skeleton Archer
- Soulless
- Spectre
- Walking Corpse
- Wraith
- VampiresVampires
- Vampire Blood Apprentice
- Vampire Blood Hulk
- Vampire Blood Manipulator
- Vampire Bloodborn
- Vampire Day Hunter
- Vampire Duchess
- Vampire Duelist
- Vampire Fledgeling
- Vampire Flesh Artisan
- Vampire Grand Knight
- Vampire Greater Flesh Artisan
- Vampire Halfblood
- Vampire Knight
- Vampire Malborn
- Vampire Methusalem
- Vampire Mistress
- Vampire Noble
- Vampire Sangel
- Vampire Sire
- Vampire Squire
- Vampire Succubus
- Vampire Sword Dancer
- Vampire Thinblood
- Vampire Twilight Walker
- Windsong HumansWindsong Humans
- Windsong Ancient Heroine
- Windsong Arbiter
- Windsong Ascendant
- Windsong Ascended
- Windsong Avatar of Nature
- Windsong Courier
- Windsong Dragon Ascendant
- Windsong Dragon Sorceress
- Windsong Dreadnought
- Windsong Emissary
- Windsong Envoy
- Windsong Farstrider
- Windsong Gatekeeper
- Windsong Harbinger
- Windsong Herald
- Windsong Heretic
- Windsong High Ascendant
- Windsong Knowsinger
- Windsong Librarian
- Windsong Lorekeeper
- Windsong Nature Ascendant
- Windsong Nature Ascended
- Windsong Nature Prophetess
- Windsong Nature Weaver
- Windsong Oathkeeper
- Windsong Pathfinder
- Windsong Prophetess
- Windsong Reaver
- Windsong Rune Forger
- Windsong Savant
- Windsong Scribe
- Windsong Seeker
- Windsong Sky Crystal
- Windsong Sky Shard
- Windsong Skyrunner
- Windsong Stormbringer
- Windsong Student
- Windsong Weaver
- Wolves
- Woses
- nonenone
- Deathmaster
- Dwarvish Automaton
- Dwarvish Balloon
- Dwarvish Contraption
- Dwarvish Flying Fortress
- Dwarvish Giant Sea Turtle
- Dwarvish Golem
- Dwarvish Guardian
- Dwarvish Heavy Balloon
- Dwarvish Iron Golem
- Dwarvish Leviathan
- Dwarvish Mechanical Dragon
- Dwarvish Mechanical Goliath
- Dwarvish Pacificator
- Dwarvish Sea Turtle
- Dwarvish Striding Machine
- Dwarvish Tank
- Elder Lich Lord
- Initiate
- Lich Lord
- LanguageLanguage
- Build Report
Elemental Niti

Special Notes: This unit is capable of healing those around it, and curing them of poison. This unit is able to slow its enemies, halving their movement speed and attack damage until they end a turn.This unit will use nearby water - such as from pure water, swamps and even mud and blood pools to replenish itself. In water and swamps, it will recover 10 hp, whilst in mud and blood pools, it will recover only 4 hp. The swarming attacks of this unit become less deadly whenever its members are wounded. This unit can move unseen in deep water, requiring no air from the surface.
Advances from: | Elemental Ice Claw, Elemental Nymph, Elemental Water Embodiment |
Advances to: | ‒ |
Cost: | 62 |
HP: | 61 |
Moves: | 6 |
XP: | 150 |
Level: | 3 |
Alignment: | neutral |
Id: | SE Elemental Niti |
Abilities: | cures, heals +8, submerge |
Attacks (damage × count)
![]() | deep sea water melee | 18 × 2 cold | |
![]() | deep sea embrace melee | 14 × 1 cold | slows |
![]() | rain storm ranged | 8 × 9 pierce | swarm |
![]() |
blade | 20% | ![]() |
pierce | 30% | |
![]() |
impact | 10% | ![]() |
fire | 0% | |
![]() |
cold | 60% | ![]() |
arcane | 0% |
Terrain | Movement Cost | Defense | |
![]() |
Castle | 1 | 40% |
![]() |
Cave | 1 | 30% |
![]() |
Coastal Reef | 2 | 70% |
![]() |
Deep Water | 1 | 60% |
![]() |
Fake Shroud | ‒ | 0% |
![]() |
Flat | 2 | 30% |
![]() |
Forest | 5 | 30% |
![]() |
Frozen | 2 | 30% |
![]() |
Fungus | 3 | 20% |
![]() |
Hills | 5 | 30% |
![]() |
Mountains | ‒ | 0% |
![]() |
Sand | 2 | 30% |
![]() |
Shallow Water | 1 | 70% |
![]() |
Swamp | 1 | 60% |
![]() |
Unwalkable | ‒ | 0% |
![]() |
Village | 1 | 40% |
Last updated on Wed Mar 20 03:24:45 2024.